

Mission Possible
Can you actually be fired as a boss? What don’t you like about your job? What is your everyday work life like? What is the best thing about (...)
BAL is kununu Top Company 2022!
We are one of around 5% of companies that received a notably positive rating by employees and applicants on the largest employer rating platform in (...)

Celebrating tradition: The topping-out ceremony on the Bötzow site

The completion of the two new shell buildings already paints a clear picture of the multifaceted site being developed in the middle of Berlin by (...)

Mission Possible

Can you actually be fired as a boss? What don’t you like about your job? What is your everyday work life like? What is the best thing about (...)

BAL is kununu Top Company 2022!

We are one of around 5% of companies that received a notably positive rating by employees and applicants on the largest employer rating platform in (...)

Live and Learn at BAL

For the approximately 1300 students of the OSZ Sozialwesen / Anna-Freud-Schule, a unique new place of learning is being created at Halemweg 24. The (...)